Spirit or Automatic Writing

This technique is risky, one never knows what the world of phantoms might yield.

Nova Hearth (Prime)

The Break-Through


My inner author breathes…

You can live forever, that seems to be something of value to your kind. You can advance your own personal situation, whatever it is, immediately or with patience and persistent strategies. Come to us, we offer what you seek. We make it easy for you to find your greatest perfection. Open your mind to us.

We Come in Peace

Audio art reviews or fictives? (or both?)

Gdanian :: Mechanical Gods (Cryo Chamber)

V/A :: Tomb of Primordials (Cryo Chamber)

Void Stasis :: Viral Incubation (Cryo Chamber)

Council of Nine :: The People’s Temple (Cryo Chamber)

Caldon Glover :: Ùir (Cryo Chamber)

V/A :: Mercury Mission Diaries (Cryo Chamber)

Underwater Sleep Orchestra :: Insomnolence (Cryo Chamber)

Silent Universe :: Immensity (Cryo Chamber)

Fractalyst :: Watchtower (Cryo Chamber)


Have you ever been a ghost?

Not tellin.


Ghost study

A “Flight From Doom” Omnibus


The concept behind this growing anthology is the necessity of escaping a dying Earth, the problem is that the journey to the identified new place for humanity to go to requires a voyage of more than one lifetime. Those that board the vessel will never see this new place, and those that arrive will have never experienced gravity. There is no guarantee that the eventual passengers on this Exodus will be grateful for their predicament. They will figure out what to do, no doubt, but they had no choice in this big decision.

My original title was Elysian Mythos, thinking of the Roman story of a sort of heaven, with the nice warm breezy fields and the general absence of war after death. Then I realized that the poor tired old word Elysian has gotten lots of use already, so until I think of a new Mythos, this modified title will have to do. I am going to hang on to the cover illustration until things are resolved.

First, from the perspective of the destination, things fall from the sky and life is never the same again.

The Destination and Our Cenotaph

Then, from the voyage itself.


Preparing to head out, what happened to bring this about?


Why bother!

Reasons to stay at home

New Age Stages

Tell them it’s the New Age

The story

What I Know

another moon


My View of the Moon

Mad science

Tower of Babble

Halloween is Always Heard



more horrible noises



Bryden Massacre